Market status and future development trends of paper printing & packaging industry


Import and Export Trade

In recent years, as the global packaging industry gradually shifts to developing countries and regions represented by China, China’s paper products packaging industry has become increasingly prominent in the global paper packaging industry and has become an important global supplier of paper products packaging. The scale continues to expand.

According to the statistics of China Packaging Federation, the total import and export volume of China’s paper packaging industry in 2018 was 5.628 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of 15.45%, of which the export value was 5.477 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of 15.89%; in 2019, the total import and export amount of China’s paper packaging industry was 6.509 billion US dollars, of which the export value was 6.354 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 16.01%. In 2020, the total import and export volume of China’s paper packaging industry was 6.76 billion US dollars, of which the export value was 6.613 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 4.08%.


Future trends

1. Green environmental protection, plastic replacement

Green packaging is a high-tech form of packaging. With the increasingly strict “plastic restriction” and “plastic replacement” policies in many countries, active research and development of environmentally friendly packaging and plastic replacement packaging is becoming a trend in the industry. In the future, paper packaging industry will develop in the direction of reduction, reuse, recyclability, degradability, de-plasticization and replacement of plastic.


2. Production automation and intelligence

With the development of the science and technology, advanced technology is gradually applied to all aspects of product production and quality management, which further improves production efficiency, shortens production cycle and saves labor costs. Traditional equipment with poor performance, low efficiency and high energy consumption will be gradually replaced and the application of automation, intelligent technology, packaging and printing integration technology and digital printing will become the trend of printing and packaging industry.


3. The rise of multifunctional packaging

With the continuous breakthrough of new materials and new process science, paper packaging has multiple functions such as waterproof, oil-proof and breathable. The continuous improvement of consumer demand has led to continuous breakthroughs in oil resistance, water resistance, heat preservation, sterilization and other functions of paper packaging.


4. Comprehensive service capability upgrade of paper product manufacturers

The downstream consumer field is showing a trend of diversified demand and accelerated product iteration, and the stickiness between the paper packaging industry and downstream customers will be further enhanced in the future. Paper product manufacturers will be upgraded from original product manufacturers to comprehensive service providers, and customers’ requirements for comprehensive service capabilities will gradually upgrade.

Post time: May-19-2022